PDC Seminars

The PDC runs a seminar series each term. This involves postdocs from all departments attending and giving talks to an audience of postdocs who may not necessarily be in their own field, and is a good practice for talking to a non-expert audience!

We have two speakers for each seminar. As a speaker, you give a 20 min talk, which is followed by questions and accompanied by lunch.

The time is always from 12:00 to 1:00 pm.
If interested, please sign up here or email us at [email protected] and [email protected]

As part of the PDC seminar series each term the attendees select a "best speaker" of the term, both of these speakers receive prizes. Previous best speakers are listed below.

  • Fall 2022:
    • Best speaker: Gabriele Dragotto, "Mathematical Programming Games"  
    • Honorable Mention: Victoria Junquera, "Tipping points in socio-economic systems- beyond the metaphors".
  • Spring 2022:
    • 1st place to Ashley Jordan, "The Emergent Social Significance of Similarity".
    • 2nd place to Kirstin M. Winchell, "Evolutionary Consequences of an Urbanizing World".
  • Fall 2021:
    • 1st place goes to Lauren Pincus, "Examining Interactions of Inorganic Contaminants with Polymers using Synchrotron-Based Spectroscopy".
    • 2nd place to Christos Suriano, "Using Viruses to Study and Treat Neurological Disorders: Overcoming Immune Obstacles in the Brain".