If you are a new arrival to Princeton, there are lots of things to do. We list here some things that we found important when we arrived. Please also check with your department and the Dean of the Faculty Office for additional requirements.
Read through the rest of the Princeton Postdocs website for information on housing, professional services, and lifestyle.
Check if you are subscribed to PDC-social and AskAPostdoc mailing lists.
Join the Slack, if you so wish. Join using your @princeton.edu email address.
Know your hiring status: are you a Postdoctoral Associate or a Postdoctoral Fellow? Associates are typically paid off a grant held by their advisor, while Fellows are paid off a University Fellowship or have their own external funding source. This is an important distinction for the benefits (health care services, retirement etc.) you are eligible for.
When you arrive on campus, one of the first things you'll need to do is visit Human Resources in and the TigerCard office the New South Building. At Human Resource you get information on healthcare plans, retirement and other benefits. A lot of information is also in a benefits package that you should receive from HR. Find more detail about retirement on the resources page.
Contact graduate students and departmental administrators to ensure that you have been added to departmental mailing lists for announcements and social events. Postdocs are often not included automatically, so it is a good idea to be proactive on this front.
Come to one of our events!
Take a campus tour to learn your way around Princeton.